Después de casi 40 años, y tras la muerte de mi abuela, mi abuelo decidió abandonar la casa donde pasé la mayor parte de mi infancia.
Al desvestir la casa, las huellas del paso del tiempo se mezclan con mis primeras memorias.
Este trabajo es un homenaje a mis abuelos, a mi infancia y al lugar donde comencé a descubrir la luz del mundo.
After almost 40 years, and after the death of my grandmother, my grandfather decided to leave the house where I spent most of my childhood.
When undressing the house, the traces of the passage of time are mixed with my first memories.
This work is a tribute to my grandparents, my childhood and the place where I began to discover the light of the world.
When undressing the house, the traces of the passage of time are mixed with my first memories.
This work is a tribute to my grandparents, my childhood and the place where I began to discover the light of the world.